News Coverage
Business Attorney David Kani to Present: Cannabusiness - What's Now, New & Next? at MENSA AG, Annual Gathering
David Kani, a high visibility California business lawyer and noted author, is slated for a keynote lecture at MENSA's Annual Gathering on July 8th at the Sheraton Conference Center in Phoenix, Arizona.
Annual conference participants, all members of the ultra-high IQ MENSA organization, will attend Kani's lecture: Cannabusiness – What's Now, New & Next, based on his forthcoming similarly titled book wherein he looks at:
The Cannabis Green Rush which is attracting hordes...
California Business Attorney Steve Hochfelsen to Present: Profits of Denial at MENSA's AG in Arizona
Steve Hochfelsen, a California business trial lawyer focused on commercial litigation, is set for a keynote presentation at MENSA's Annual Gathering on July 6th in Phoenix, Arizona.
MENSA Annual Gathering attendees, all members of the exclusive ultra-high IQ global community, will consider Hochfelsen's presentation: Profits of Denial – Insurance Companies Adding Insult to Injury, based on his forthcoming eponymously titled book wherein reveals:
The friendly faced zany...